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Snow Tubing

Tubers at Holiday Valley Tubing Company
Tubers at Holiday Valley Tubing Company

Have a great time snow tubing with your friends and family at Holiday Valley's Tubing Company. The tubing Park has 22 lanes including 3 group lanes that are 900 feet long with a 100 foot vertical drop!  There are two handle tows that pull you back up the hill - all you have to do is sit back and relax to the top, then feel the thrill of sliding down the lanes! 

There is a warming hut at the base, with a snack bar, restroom and fireplace.

Call the snow report for details at 716-699-TUBE. The Tubing Park is located at 5673 Bryant Hill Rd. in Ellicottville, NY.

Purchase your tickets in advance online to go snow tubing!

Fast and multi-tube lanes!

Little Tubers Area Also Available!